Tuesday, April 28, 2015

{california flashback}

I was going through some files on my computer and found some pictures from our California trip last summer for 4th of July weekend! We went with our friends the Kirbys and it was so much fun! 

I was super stoked to go to the LA Fashion District. That was our first stop. I don't think anyone else was super excited about looking at fabric and I would have felt bad for them if I wasn't on cloud nine the entire time. Seriously, I was like a kid in a candy shop. 

They were all good sports for putting up with me!

We then went to the planetarium which was a lot cooler than I expected honestly. And the view was amazing!


And you can't go to California and not go to the beach! We spent 2 days on Newport Beach. It was so perfect. We thought that it was going to be uber crowded being 4th of July but it really wasn't too bad. Parking was a nightmare but once we made it to the beach we were able to set-up base right next to the water. 

I miss my tan!!!! Summer come back! And notice Garett's squinty face...I love that goof.

Not sure what his face is doing here....

And finally a normal face! Heehee.

Garett you are killing me.

Yeah. I'd live here.

Second day at the beach. Someone got a little toasted the first day. So much so that he stole my hat, wore long sleeves and built a boogie board sun shield. I got a little toasted too...on my bum...hence the spanks for swim suit bottoms. 
He's my lobster!

It was a great trip and I am excited to go back to California this summer with all my boys! My family is doing Disneyland this July with a couple days at the beach. I am so stoked!

Monday, April 27, 2015

{benefits of a fit pregnancy part 2 - the actual benefits}

***First off, I am obviously not a doctor and each pregnancy for every woman is different. If you have a high risk pregnancy you will obviously have to be careful what you do and what I talk about might not be possible for you. Everything I am writing about works for me and my doctor. So always check with your doctor before you do anything crazy. Not that anything I am about to suggest is crazy...unless it's crazy to suggest that pregnant woman can do amazing and hard fitness workouts...because we can!***

In this post I want to talk about the benefits of being fit during your pregnancy that I personally have seen myself. (This is my second pregnancy. I have been far better with my fitness routine and diet this pregnancy. These are the differences I have noticed. I am no expert on anything really so take it for what's it worth.)

Here they are:

1. I am less psychotic. Meaning, that it seemed that the more I exercised and kept my diet in check the less crazy my hormones made me.

2. I have more energy and sleep better.

3.  I have good self-esteem and confidence in my preggo appearance. 

4. I have no new stretch marks. (This one might be a stretch but read on to see my take on fitness and your skin.)

5. Fairly quick labor and deliveries .

Hormones are real but with exercise and proper diets we don't have to ride their roller coaster!

Oh hormones. Yes they are a real thing, much to the dismay of our male counterparts. And pregnancy seems to wreck havoc on them. It's understandable that pregnant women have been labeled crazy from time to time. I had a few melt downs my first pregnancy. Thankfully only one in a public setting...poor Garett had to walk me through the mall while I was sobbing and going on about something ridiculous.

One of the benefits of exercise is the release of endorphins! These are the wonderful little "feel-good" chemicals that make us feel happy. They can help us pregnant women level out the craziness of the hormonal roller coaster.

With my better diet and increased fitness levels I am happy to say that I have not had any major meltdowns this pregnancy! No random bursts of crying or wave of emotions. I have felt pretty in control. When I do begin to feel exceptionally moody or crabby I know that's my cue to go to the gym or maybe re-examine my diet.

During pregnancy we have a whole flood of hormones, but after birth hormones levels drop drastically which in many cases leads to postpartum depression. There are many things that can trigger this depression but hormones are a leading contender. Since exercise is a known releaser of endorphins, it is often a suggested way to help fight depression. Read this article from WedMD to further understand exercising and depression.

My thought is if I can stay active and fit during my pregnancy and create that habit now, then hopefully after the baby is born, I can use my established healthy diet and exercise habits to help my body fight the dramatic hormonal changes that come post-birth. It's worth a shot in my opinion.

Increased energy levels and better sleep are side effects of exercising!

One thing I remember incredibly well from my first pregnancy was the amount of time I spent sleeping. I'd come home from work take a nap, wake up to eat dinner, then go back to bed for the night. I felt exhausted all the time. Because of my experience my first pregnancy I was kind of dreading this second pregnancy a) because I have a 2 year old who most definitely would not be cool with me sleeping all day and b) because Garett was going to be gone for an internship for 3 months of my pregnancy leaving me to manage our toddler, businesses and household alone. 

I was so nervous that I wouldn't be able to handle it. I thought I'd be a walking zombie for those 3 months. But that wasn't the case. 

With exercise I found that I had more energy. My body was invigorated. I didn't feel the sheer exhaustion I felt constantly with my first pregnancy. I was exhausted from the workouts yes, but that is a better kind of tired! And those workouts helped me sleep better at night so I woke up feeling well rested most days. 

Working out in the morning (around 10 AM is my favorite) is what gives me the most energy for the rest of the day. However, my spin class that I LOVE, is Tuesday and Thursday nights at 6 PM. Those are the nights I noticed that I sleep the absolute best. So I think it was a good mix switching up the times of my workouts. Find what works for your body and your schedule. 

 When you feel healthy your confidence and self-esteem sky rocket!

It's not easy being pregnant. Even though you know you are doing something so beautiful it's kind of hard to watch our bodies expand and grow to a bigger size. For me, I have spent my whole late teen/adult life working to get that number on the scale to go down. With pregnancy you have to all of the sudden flip a switch and magically be okay with the number going up. Logically, yes, I know I am suppose to gain weight with this baby growing business but that doesn't mean emotionally I am ready to accept that. Any other pregnant ladies get what I'm talking about?

But just because we have to gain weight doesn't mean we have to let it get out of control or destroy our confidence and self-image. 

Working out and eating right will be rewarded by our bodies, even if they are expanding. This pregnancy has been proof of that for me. I still have gained a healthy amount of weight but I am 12 pounds lighter and 2 pant sizes smaller this pregnancy! My old maternity pants are too baggy on me this time around! I am more toned and muscular now than I was when I wasn't pregnant. All of those results have boosted my confidence immeasurably!

I also have to say the look you get from your fellow gym mates when you just busted out a great workout while 8 months pregnant is amazing! I can't lie, you kind of feel like a super star!

My thoughts on stretch marks.

So much has been said on the topic of stretch marks. I'm just going to add more and it's probably nothing new.

Here's what doctors seem to know about stretch marks:

- they happen when the skin is pulled by rapid growth or stretching
genetics play a big role in whether someone gets them or not
- hormones also can affect your skin and cause the collagen and elastin fibers to tear more readily when stretched
- you can't prevent them

While I agree that you can't prevent all stretch marks I think you can prevent how many you get. If they are primarily caused by rapid growth and stretching and we can control our weight gain and growth then maybe there is something we can do.

Again, I am not a doctor and my frame of reference comes from articles I have researched and my own experience. My thought is why not try everything in my power to prevent stretch marks. If it doesn't work it doesn't work. No harm done really.

Please don't get me wrong. I am not shaming stretch marks! Not at all! I have them pretty prominently on my "girls" from my first pregnancy. My stomach managed to only get a few faint ones that have disappeared. Before any pregnancies I had faint stretch marks from my growth spurts as a teenager. Even my 6'6" husband as faint stretch marks from his growth spurts. Most people have them. There is nothing wrong with them. 

But I don't want more and I don't think that's bad. If I get more then I get more, but so far this pregnancy I haven't gotten any. 

Here's my thoughts and what I have done:

1. DRINK WATER! Skin is our largest organ and it needs water to function properly. Dehydrated skin is tight, flaky, itchy, more prone to wrinkles and is less resilient (more susceptible tearing of the fibers). Skin's elasticity is affected by water.  I drink so much water. I always have and I always will. It's my beverage of choice. Start drinking now; pregnant or not. Get into the habit of carrying around a water bottle that you can refill and make a goal to refill it "x" amount of times every day! You'll have to pee a lot but that's okay! If it helps your skin it's worth it!

If you have a hard time with drinking just water follow my husband's example. Garett loved pop (honestly still does). It was like pulling teeth to get him to drink water. So we started him on some water mix-ins (like Crystal Light or Mio). It still gave him some sweetness without all the sugar and it had him drinking more water. Eventually he started just drinking water! Try it!

2. Moisturize! My first pregnancy I bought a big bottle of cocoa butter lotion from Wal-Mart for $3 I used it religiously on my belly. Not so much on my chest; which may or may not have contributed to getting a lot of stretch marks on my chest and nearly none on my belly. 

This pregnancy I slather that lotion on 2-3 times a day. I make it a habit to put some on my belly and chest after every shower and morning and night. 

Some say that cocoa butter doesn't help; that it's a myth. They may be right. But it was only a $3 bottle, it smells delicious, I never, ever had itchy skin in either pregnancy and if it does help with reducing stretch marks that's awesome.

Click here to see the lotion. So worth $3 in my opinion.

3. Control your weight gain and keep your core muscles engaged!! I think this one is the most important and relevant. Like I said before they say the primary cause of stretch marks is rapid stretching of the skin. 

Obviously our bellies are going to expand. That's inevitable. But we can control any excess weight gain which would cause our bellies to expand further and faster; likely causing stretch marks. The slower we grow the more time our skin has to adapt to the growth.  

To help hold "it" all in we use our core muscles. While these are definitely weakened and separate during pregnancy it is still beneficial to work them and maintain a strong core. I posted a picture of me at 36 weeks with each baby. You can see the difference! I really focused on core muscle exercising this pregnancy and I believe it has paid off big time. There are many more benefits of maintaining a string core that I will discuss later!

A fit pregnancy has shown to be tied to quicker labor and deliveries.

The experts have a lot to say about this relation. Below are a couple of links to great articles:


Here is an excerpt from a LONG article haha. Read the full article here.

"You may also want to get involved in some regular aerobic exercise that pushes your heart and lungs to perform at their peak level. Aerobic exercise during pregnancy provides many benefits. It can build stamina, make you more comfortable, alleviate aches and pains, and relieve stress.

Aerobic exercise may even make your labor shorter and less painful. An American study published recently in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology reported that women who continued running or aerobic dancing during pregnancy enjoyed labors about 30 percent shorter than women who stopped exercising. Women who maintained a regular exercise program also required less labor stimulation and fewer epidurals, episiotomies, and cesarean deliveries. An Italian study in the same journal examined women having their second or third babies who pedaled on stationary bicycles three times a week for 30 minutes beginning around the fifth month of pregnancy. The bicyclists maintained higher endorphin levels during labor. Accordingly, they reported less pain than a matching group of sedentary women.

Even if regular exercise can’t guarantee you a shorter or easier labor, it undoubtedly can help you to cope better with whatever labor has in store for you. Going into labor physically fit also means you will recover more quickly afterward."

When you exercise regularly you can learn to push your endurance levels, deal with pain and increase your body's capacities to go the extra mile. Trust me, you need that "extra mile" when you give birth. It's the moments that you have to dig a little deeper (ex: that last few reps in your set or the last 10 minutes of a bike ride) that you truly prepare yourself physically and more importantly, mentally, for the birth of your child.

Now that I have delivered my baby I can say that my fitness level helped with my delivery so much! Click here to read my son, Camden's, birth story to see how easy and fast my delivery was!

***Part 3 (because everything is better in trilogies) will be what to actually do to have a fit pregnancy. I will talk about exercises and healthy foods that will help you achieve a fit pregnancy. I'll include actual routines I do and some of my favorite routines from Pinterest*** 

Friday, April 24, 2015

{protein packed peanut butter and banana muffins}

I woke up this morning at 6:30 AM wide awake. Bleh. So I figured since I was up before everyone I'd actually try and be a domestic goddess and make breakfast for my boys. 

Typically when I have the desire to bake in the morning the process goes like this:

Somewhere in between "Why is this so difficult?" and "Forget this!" I decided to make my own freaking recipe and here it is:

They turned out delicious much to my surprise. Anders even ate 2 whole muffins. The protein powder we love is Vega Plant Based Proteins & Greens. Garett is slightly whey-intolerant so the plant stuff works great for us. It's non-GMO, gluten free and has no sugar added. You can get it at Costco and it doesn't cost an arm and a leg.

***You can easily leave out the protein powder when you make it if you don't have any. I just decided to add it last minute to add more protein punch!

I had to hide them from Garett because every time I've seen him this morning he's had one in his mouth. I made 30 muffins and we are already (3 hours later) down to 20. Good gravy. I'm excited to use them as pre-workout snacks. One muffin is perfectly filling for a snack on the way to the gym....if they last that long.

Hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

{benefits of a fit pregnancy part 1 - getting motivated & being accountable}

***First off, I am obviously not a doctor and each pregnancy for every woman is different. If you have a high risk pregnancy you will obviously have to be careful what you do and what I talk about might not be possible for you. Everything I am writing about works for me and my doctor. So always check with your doctor before you do anything crazy. Not that anything I am about to suggest is crazy...unless it's crazy to suggest that pregnant woman can do amazing and hard fitness workouts...because we can!***

Now that I have done my disclaimer let me tell you the first thing my amazing doctor told me: Pregnancy is not a disease. Women have been popping out babies since Eve and in much less cushy circumstances. So go on doing what you are doing.

I always pictured frontier women. Milking cows, chopping wood, hauling laundry down to the river to wash on the washing board all had to be done even if they were pregnant. I bet they wish they could have had Netflix and a Lazy-Boy. We have it pretty good these days.

We pregnant women are not fragile. I think that we sometimes use pregnancy as an excuse to be lazy. (I say that only because I have done it and I'm being totally honest!) I pulled the "But I'm pregnant" card many times in my first pregnancy. I have tried to not use it as much this pregnancy. Switching my mentality from "but I'm pregnant" to a stronger, more empowering mentality of "I'm pregnant, so what?" I think has resulted in me being 12 pounds lighter this pregnancy. 

I don't think anyone would argue that there are benefits to being active during pregnancy. Here is an article on 7 benefits of a exercising during pregnancy!

I made a goal this pregnancy to do better when it came to fitness. It has been hard at times but it is so worth it!!! We don't have to feel like this...

How to "JUST DO IT" and Hold Yourself To It!

Making goals is easy. Achieving those goals is what is hard. So how do you actually achieve the fitness goals you make? Especially when your pregnant body is saying "just take a nap" and the common adage of "it's okay, you're eating for two" is basically what everyone says to you every time you sit down to eat.

1. Find your motivation and find a way to keep that motivation fore front in your mind. (This really pertains to anybody trying to achieve a goal; pregnant or not.)

Take me for example. This summer seems to be the summer of every family function known to man. We have 2 weddings, 1 family reunion and 1 family vacation. The family vacation happens to be in California where we will spend a couple days at the beach. 

My baby comes in mid-May and family functions start the end of June; the beach is happening end of July. Awesome. So my motivation is to try and be wedding photo-ready 1 month post-birth and beach-ready 2 months post-birth.

That's my motivation as shallow as it may seem. But I say hey, if your motivation is to feel comfortable in a swimsuit after birth that's 100% okay! It doesn't matter what your motivation is to stay healthy/fit during pregnancy, just find it. 

Now to keep that motivation and to remember it when temptation comes knocking is the next part. I am a visual person. I like visual reminders. So I created a Pinterest board (surprise, surprise). I named it "Back Away From the Cookie - Inspiration". Check it out here. 

On it I have pinned inspirational fitness quotes, pictures of fit women or even outfits/swim suits that I would love to see myself in this summer! 

A Pinterest board is what works for me because I have access to it everywhere I go thanks to smart phones : ) But there are so many ways you can remind yourself of your goals. Here are a few ideas:

- taping inspiring images or quotes to your mirror and/or fridge

- have your exercise clothing/gear out and ready so you see it everyday (ex: leave your running shoes on the inside of your door; they can't inspire you if they are lost in the shoe bucket in the garage!)

- always have a set of workout clothing and gear in your car

- have a "pounds down" visual (click here for a cute idea) **maybe not a great thing to do when pregnant because you aren't trying to lose weight during that time : )

- or you can get this sweet pillow and have it on your bed, couch or chair to remind you ; )

I look at my Pinterest board as my hubby drives us to the gym, or on some days, as I'm lying on the couch looking for motivation to go to the gym. I read the empowering quotes and often recite them to myself when I want to quit in the middle of a rep or when my legs are shaking in spin class. I look at the healthy, toned muscles of amazing women when I want that bag of chips so bad it consumes my mind!

Those words and images in my mind have helped me so much and remind me why I am there at the gym putting myself through torturous routines and why I can't eat 3 freezer burritos at 11:00 pm! Here are a few of the things I have pinned that help me!

2. Find a way to be accountable for your fitness choices. 

So now that you have your motivation and inspiration for yourself and a way to remind yourself of that how will you hold yourself accountable? 

One of the best ways I know how to keep myself on the straight and narrow is to find a buddy. Mine is my husband. I have other workout buddies but my husband is basically with me 24/7 so he can "monitor" me a lot haha. 

And you want someone who can be 100% honest with you! Someone that isn't afraid to slap your hand as you reach for your third cupcake. Seriously. Garett has many times talked me down from some sweet tooth craving of mine and convinced me that a green smoothie might be better. (One of the best things we ever bought is a Blendtec blender!)

Find a buddy or some system (MyFitness Pal is great) that can help hold you to your goals!

Maybe a reward system is a good way for you to stay true to your goals! Set up realistic milestones along your fitness path (ex: first 5 pounds lost or first time you are able to complete a certain amount of reps with a certain weight) and have a reward for when you reach that milestone. Reinforce that good behavior : ) But maybe try not to let it be food related. Here are some cool ideas for rewards:

- pedicure or manicure
- massage
- buy a new purse or accessory
- buy a new outfit
- buy a new workout outfit to rock your hot self at the gym with (my sister sells fun workout tank tops here)
- treat yourself to a fun experience (ex: concert, new movie, or if you are really enjoying this fitness thing, a big race!)

If you have great tips and ways to stay motivated and accountable in pursuit of fitness goals please share below! 

***Part 2 will talk more specifically about the benefits of fitness during pregnancy. Trust me the benefits are worth the hard work!*** 

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

{fix your face}

Someone forgot to tell my face that I am not a teenager anymore. I have struggled with acne and blackheads my whole adult life. Not bad enough to warrant a prescription solution but bad enough to make me insecure about my appearance. 
Thankfully I do not look like this anymore!

Here is a really horrible picture of what I dealt with. This was probably one of the worst breakouts I had. But I usually always had 3-4 pimples across my forehead, at least one on my nose and plenty around my mouth. And the acne I had was usually the huge lumps that were super painful. And I always had blackheads on my nose. I would go through those Biore strips like crazy but the next day it would look like I hadn't even used one.

I'd have good weeks and bad weeks but I always had something to cover-up. Not to mention the scars all over that were left behind.

It's all a downward spiral too. You have acne so you cake on make-up to cover it up and that only aggravates your face more. That leads to more make-up and more acne...like I said, a downward spiral. I even bought premium make-up like Bare Minerals in hopes that it wouldn't aggravate my skin further but it honestly only made a big dent in my bank account. 

I have tried so many products. SO MANY. Ones as basic as generic cleansers and Dove soap to the mid-level Proactive and Clearasil to the expensive Aloette and Nerium products. I have even done just water and olive oil. Nothing helped. Until I found Formula 10.0.6.

I am not a paid spokesman or salesperson for them. I just really, really like their products. Like A LOT! I discovered them in January when I was aimlessly wandering Ulta looking for something to turn the tables on my blotchy face. The three products pictured above are the ones that changed my skin's life. 

Before I go into my routine or go on and on about how awesome these products are let me talk about lifestyle. Lifestyle is a huge factor in skin health. Pretty much everything we do affects our skin, especially our facial skin.


First, is diet. I have a decent diet. I eat fruits and veggies (maybe not enough servings every single day). I don't eat a lot of junk food or processed foods (but I do eat them occasionally). And I drink water. I carry a water bottle everywhere I go. So if your diet is not so stellar, like you never eat fruits or veggies, you eat a lot of processed foods and you don't drink enough water you are going to need to fix that. Water is so so good for skin. (I'll talk more about water and pregnancy skin later this week.) So drink lots of water.  


Personally, I think putting make-up on every single day is not good for your skin. Some companies say that their make-up can clarify your skin or won't clog your pores. But I find it hard to believe because I have used all of those brands of make-up and noticed nothing special. The fact is you are putting something on every day that covers your pores. How is that not going to cause problems? How is dirt not going to get all trapped in your pores?

Now I am not saying that I never wear make-up. I used to wear it all the time (which I think exasperated my problem with acne). I like looking pretty and getting all glammed up when occasion calls for it. But just try, if you can, to go a couple days a week without caking anything on your face. Let it go all natural! Your skin will thank you for it! 


It's hard to avoid stress. I think stress is kind of inevitable. But dealing with it as best you can can really help with acne! My outlet is exercise. When I am stressed I love to hit the gym. A good workout gives me time to think though my problems, releases happy chemicals in my body and typically helps me sleep better.

Find your outlet for stress!


Are you in the sun all day? Or do you walk through the city were smog and exhaust assault you every day? Prepare your skin for this! Click here to read an interesting article from the Wall Street Journal about pollution and your skin. And protect your skin from the sun by using a moisturizer that has SPF in it. Thankfully Formula 10.0.6 has one! 

It's basically someone handing you a road map to your face. I have used it many times. Though thankfully, since using Formula 10.0.6 products I have used it less frequently!

Now that we have talked about lifestyle let's talk about the products I pictured above and how I use them.

1. Best Face Forward Daily Cleanser $5.99

I use this every time I get in the shower. Honestly, as a stay-at-home mom, showers don't happen everyday. My shower schedule is so unpredictable. Some days I shower twice, others not at all. But it gets the jobs done even though I may not use it daily. It doesn't have salicylic acid so it is safe for pregnancy. (Apparently salicylic acid isn't suppose to be used when you are pregnant...who knew? Not me until about a month ago...7 months into my second pregnancy haha!) 

2. So Totally Clean Everyday Cleanser $5.99

This I use everyday. Twice or thrice. (I just really wanted to say thrice). But I have used it three times in a day before. This cleanser is for sensitive skin so it contains no salicylic acid. Again safe for pregnancy use and gentle enough to use multiple times a day.

This stuff is the bomb.com. I had to pull out a phrase awesome enough to describe this and bomb.com comes the closest. I apply it with a cotton pad every morning when I wake up and before bed every night. I like to use cotton pads and not cotton balls. I think a lot of the product gets wasted inside the cotton ball. Since the cotton pad is flat product can't get sucked into the middle where you can't use it. 

I also apply this stuff whenever I need a freshening up. It feels so good and leaves your face feeling clean and fresh. 

3. Deep Down Detox Mud Mask $5.99

This I use 2-3 times a week mainly before bed. You leave it on for 15 minutes then wash it off. It honestly leaves your skin feeling tight and bright! I love it.

So those are the three products that I walked out of the store with in January and have used religiously until around the beginning of March; which is when I discovered that they made more products! After two and a half month's of use I couldn't believe the difference. I seriously had so many people compliment my skin! That has never happened to me before. Never.  

So just using those three products drastically altered my skin for the better. Since I had had such great success with those products I decided to get more. 

This is a great moisturizer if you spend a lot of time in the sun. I only
use it for days that I know I'm in going to be in the sun (like a day at the
pool) because it's a bit heavier and I like the light feeling of the
Seriously Shine Free moisturizer.

All of these products are $5.99. And Ulta always has a $3.50 off $10 coupon! So you can get the three original products for $14.50! Click here for the coupon.

Out of the new products I just pictured here are my favorite and how I use them.

1. Get Your Glow On Brightening Mask

I use this every 2 weeks or so. It peels off dead skin cells and seriously brightens your face.

2. Keep Your Cool Skin-Calming Gel Mask

I use this whenever I get a pimple or a breakout. Again, since I've started with these products in January I have had maybe 1 breakout (I ate a unhuman amount of chocolate) and 5 random pimples. But as soon as I get them I put this on and leave it on over night. It reduces redness like crazy and makes your skin feel cool.

3. Seriously Shine Free Moisturizer

I have always struggled with moisturizer. They make my skin feel oily and sticky. But this stuff is amazing. It's like a cloud. A cloud of moisture that lands lightly on your face and you can't even feel it. I use this morning and night right after I cleanse. 

So that's Formula 10.0.6! Click here to check them out on the Ulta website! Right now they are on sale for a $1 off! And they have a coupon for $5 off $15 which lasts until the 18th. Click here to go to it.  (The $3.50 off $10 coupon is always available!)

Because of this product and bettering my lifestyle just a bit, this week, for the first time in a long, long time I was confident enough in my skin to go to a social event with only bronzer on my cheeks and eye makeup. There was no foundation, cover-up or any over-all make-up applied. I felt so airy and natural, yet beautiful! 

I hope you all can become confident with your facial skin! It is an amazing feeling to feel beautiful with little to no make-up on and to feel like you have healthy skin!  

***I am now on Bloglovin' so follow me! Click here to follow me!

Monday, April 13, 2015

{how pinterest can strengthen your marriage}

It's Monday. Man Crush Monday. I love my man. He's my everything. I mean who could not love this stud?

We have been married almost 4 years this summer. It's been awesome. Really. We are so compatible. I am competitive, he's not at all. We both are go-with-the-flow and pretty laid back about the little things. I think I can count on 2 fingers the number of fights we have had. We are lovers not fighters I guess : ) 

However, we are reaching the point in our marriage where familiarity, school/work, children and routine are all taking it's toll on our relationship. We aren't struggling or anything but we are noticing that we have to actually put forth effort to connect with each other. 

That was the one thing we heard over and over as newlyweds; that we would reach a point, 3-4 years out, where the flame of passion (yes someone actually used that phrase) would not be enough to sustain us. And of course as newlyweds we were like "puhlease, our honeymoon phase will never end!" But honestly they were right. Marriage after time, becomes work no matter how compatible you are. 

On top of reaching the 3-4 year "honeymoon's over" phase, Garett spent 3 months in Dallas for his internship while Anders and I stayed in Provo. A lot of effort was needed to help us still feel connected over that time period.

During that time I spent a lot of time thinking about the different things I could be doing to reach out to him and let him know I was thinking about him. So naturally I hopped on Pinterest and I created a board just for him and on it I pinned fun ideas, marriage articles, little gift ideas, etc that I thought Garett would appreciate.   

It was awesome. I kept remembering little things that Garett loves and I would search out ideas and find a million different things I could do. For example, I know that Garett loves thought provoking "Would You Rather" questions and since I was going to be driving 19 hours back with him from Texas I found a bunch of links to questions and pinned them to my board so I could just pull them up in the car. That is why Pinterest is a rockstar. I honestly don't have time to be that creative. All I have to do is think of one idea then Pinterest shows me so many ways to accomplish it. 

After all the articles I have read and ideas I have seen here are just a few ideas that you can do right away to surprise your man and let him know you are still in love!

1. Flirt

This is how you fell in love in the first place! The prolonged staring, the lingering touch, etc. Anytime you get the chance you should flirt. Garett is a champion flirter. My favorite is when we are out in public just doing everyday routines like grocery shopping and I catch Garett staring at me as I'm loading the cart with produce. Then he quickly grabs my butt! (Sorry if that's too much but I'm not going to lie it's sexy when he does that!). We have been caught once. A coworker once told me she laughed out loud at the grocery store when she saw Garett make that move. Oops! 

2. Date/Quality Time

This is the advice I see the most. Date your spouse regularly. Set aside a day or time every week that is for you two. We don't always go out for our date. The reality is sometimes children, budgets, etc make going out every week unrealistic. But you should still have your special time. 

Garett and I probably go out on an actual date 2-3 times a month. But we do stuff together at home. Just this Saturday night we were both working on separate things in separate rooms after we had put Anders to bed. I looked at the clock and it was 9:55 pm. I got up, walked to Garett in the dining room and said, "you, me, Prison Break and leftover cupcakes at 10:30?" It was a date; in our pjs, on our couch with a couple of cupcakes. We like that sort of thing though. We ended up giving each other massages too which was nice; and yes it ended at massages ; )

3. Write notes to each other

I'm not talking about texts. I mean actual handwritten notes. Garett and I did this for quite some time before Anders was born. We'd leave them in random places in the house. My favorite though was passing off notes between each other in church. We would each write a letter to each other during the 2nd hour of church then when we went to our separate classes during 3rd hour we would have a lengthy note to read. I was always grinning like a fool in class and would even have to stifle a laugh every once and a while. People probably thought I was special or something.

It reminds me of a time before cell phones, when you had to pass notes to talk to your friends during class. There's something old school and romantic about it. Try it. You'll enjoy it. 

Along with handwritten notes you can send flirty/loving texts too! Click here to read a great article with ideas for texting your spouse.

Those are just some of the fun marriage strengthening ideas you can find on Pinterest. Create your own board for you and your spouse and start collecting fun and different ideas that work for you!

And because I said this blog is also about Ander's Attic I thought I'd post a couple of my creations that relate to this topic : ) Enjoy! Again, use code NEWBLOG for 10% off!

***This one is a perfect way to let your spouse know whether or not "it" is going to happen tonight : ) I've given this one as a bridal shower gift and it's always a hit!