Tuesday, July 14, 2015

{life with another kid and family photos}

Well hello; it's been awhile. Life has been a wee bit crazy this summer. I haven't written since the birth of our son Camden back in May....oops.

Let me just say two kids is a lot harder than I thought. I don't know what I thought it would be like...but what it feels like is me struggling to keep my head above water. I look forward to a full, consecutive 8 hours of sleep at night. At some point, my plan is to stick ear plugs in and take some Unisom and be dead to the world for as long as my body will let me. 

And don't get me started on the state of my house. I think I've given up...no I know I've given up. Laundry is piling up; clean and dirty. I mean really, who has time to fold clothes? We have a great system; the pile in front of the dryer is clean and the pile in front of the washer is dirty. Dishes are done once a week...I wish I was joking. And it looks like our 3 year old took everything he owns and spread it to every corner of the house. 

I have been trying very hard to get on top of the chaos. But even when I do, one sleepless night and energetic boy later, everything is back to utter chaos. 

Motherhood is hard and challenging by itself. Add owning/running a business (and managing another) to the mix and all I can do is hope and pray that I don't end up in a nut house (remember the feeling of drowning I mentioned earlier). 

Despite all my complaining and venting I am happy with life. We have been so blessed and we are grateful for all the blessings we have (even if one refuses to take a nap and the other wants to be held constantly). Life is good. 

Since we are blessed with two beautiful little boys I figured it was time to get some family photos. Round one didn't go so well. We were in Spokane for Garett's sister's wedding and we were doing some family photos in the back yard. The setting was nice and the lighting was decent but my children were less than cooperative. Anders cried the entire time because he wanted to play with his cousins and Camden had been crying but stopped and was super red and half asleep.

Fast forward to this past Sunday. As I was sitting in church I looked down the row at our little family. Due to a little one that will remain nameless, I was up rather early with plenty of time to get us ready for church. We all had coordinating outfits on and both boys were bathed. I felt pretty proud of myself. Then I thought we should definitely take another stab at family pictures. It was way too bright/hot outside for the little boys so I figured we could just take them in our front room. It's nice and bright and semi-put together. I shoved everything that didn't belong in that room to another room, had my friend come over to point and shoot, and I was pretty pleased with the results : )

We had to get a few of the boys too!

Like I said, we are blessed. 

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