Wednesday, August 24, 2011

{ I loathe thee}

The day of moving is drawing closer and closer and the packing is no where near done. Each day we say we are going to do some but so far not much has gotten done. So today will be the day we vowed; we will tackle the garage today and the closet. There was recently a fire in an apartment complex in the area and our friend Laura knows a family that lost everything so that is motivating us to go through all of our stuff and donate anything we have multiple of or don't really need. That'll lighten our load down to Utah here in a few months too : )

Other than that we are just gearing up for Lexi's wedding here in a couple of weeks. I'm planning her bridal shower as her maid of honor....or matron of honor, whichever it is. So far so good. We are doing a "Breakfast at Tiffany's" theme which should be fun.

That's all I have for now! Stay tuned : )

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