Wednesday, February 8, 2012

{first ultrasound}

Yesterday we had our first ultrasound! Our doctor is Dr. Anderson in Payson, UT. He's a really awesome guy....he had me laughing out loud a few times during the appointment. Right before he gelled me up for the ultrasound he waves his hand in front of me and says "This was the first ultrasound....and it was even digital." Bawhaha....I thought it was pretty funny. Then he started probing around my belly; that was crazy. I could see an actual baby! I don't know what I was expecting to see...but it was so developed; the doctor didn't need to point everything out because I could tell what most of it was.

We first saw the profile of the baby. Dr. Anderson was trying to get a "cute baby face picture" but the baby's hands were in the way; Anderson said that it must be a boy because it was picking it's nose the whole time. Haha. He said that's how you can tell the difference between a boy and a girl.....boy, I've had it wrong this whole time.... ; ) Then randomly he said "Man that'll prove to be expensive!"; I'm thinking crap what's wrong and he points out a big black void in the baby.....the stomach. Apparently our baby has a pretty big stomach; Anderson compared it to a black hole haha. It makes sense since both Garett and I have endless vortexes for stomachs. I am pretty sure our biggest expense in this life will be the grocery bill.

After we saw the stomach he showed us the heart! That little thing was beating up a storm! It was amazing to see. Then we continued down the body and he froze the image and turned to me and said "Now I'm going to use some pretty heavy anatomical terms here so bear with me." He turns to the picture (the same one that is below) and pointed to the top and said "This is the right knee" then to the bottom and said "This is the left knee" and finally to the middle and said "And this is the weenie." He said that there is no doubt as to what gender this baby is! So we are having a BOY!


  1. yay congrats! it seems like we were finding out just yesterday but its almost been 8 months! enjoy every minute because it goes by too fast!

  2. I had doctor andersen for my first baby! He is amazing! We loved him and he is a riot. Congratulations!

  3. That's so fun! Finally, a boy baby for your dad. We are so excited for you!

  4. I wish my doc was that funny! I am glad I found your blog, I just caught up reading it, and oh boy! You are a busy little pregnant woman. Slow down when you get the chance please.... :) I am glad you are having a boy, they are so fun to have around. Your little Andersen is going to be such a stud and a cutie!
