Sunday, December 30, 2012


Custom-made bottle holder! Ha
This Thanksgiving we drove up to Spokane to be with Garett's family. It's a grueling 12 hour drive anyway but add a baby and it's ridiculous. Thankfully the way up Anders did extremely well. But the ride home was another story....

It was good to be back in Spokane; I'll always consider it my hometown. We had a big Thanksgiving dinner with Garett's extended family up on the farm. Everything was delicious! I was super excited this year because last year I was in my first trimester of pregnancy and was really nauseous Thanksgiving Day so I ate a salad and a roll. Lame. But this year I went all out and no calorie was left behind. It was glorious.

All of Garett's siblings were there as well which as so fun. Andersen got to meet all his little cousins. We wanted to get a picture of all of the can image how that went with four children under the age of three. You can see some of the attempts below. We literally had three cameras going and took at least a hundred pictures but none of them worked. We had to photoshop one so everyone was happy and looking in one direction!

Playing with the cousins!

Anders was fascinated with Teagan's head the whole time!

Close-up of Anders! Whoa!

One of the many takes...

Anders 5 mos; Jayden 2 1/2 years; Teagan 1 mo; Mason 18 mos

Jayden was DONE!

This is the photoshopped one! Not too bad!

And of course we had to do a little Black Friday shopping! While I was out shopping Garett sent me this! He thinks he's so funny trying to sell my baby for so cheap! Anders is worth at least $100 : )

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