Tuesday, January 22, 2013


I'm still trying to catch up on my blogging. I think this is the last catch up post! Yay. For Christmas we went down to St. George to my parents' house. It was a lot of fun. Christmas Eve Anders opened up a present from Mom and Dad. He really did open it! Apparently the wrapping paper is way cooler than the present to babies....

Garett was capturing all the precious moments ; )
We got him The Night Before Christmas and read it to him that night. I kind of want it to be a tradition along with the actual Christmas story. Christmas Eve we also took some Christmas pics of Anders and the tree. That was fun until we put on the Santa suit....he did not like that very much haha.


I was so excited for this Christmas, obviously because it's Anders' first Christmas! And boy was that little monster spoiled! Both grandparents were way too good to him! He really enjoyed opening all his presents. Ahhh he was just so stinkin' cute! My mom found Anders' stocking at Down East for $2.50! Score! I made Garett's stocking because his was at his parents' house. I found the BYU fabric in the remnant pile at JoAnn's for like $5. I made one for me and a little one for Anders for decoration. Love them! Here is the pattern I used.

Johnson Family Loot!

Opening up presents from Mom and Dad...I mean from Santa....
My baby is adorable!

Moose Man!

Garett got a new Livestrong phone case. Even with the Lance Armstrong scandal his charity has still done amazing things in the cancer field so we still wear our Livestrong bracelets with pride. Garett had cancer. When he was in the MTC (Missionary Training Center) he was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma. One of his companions gave him a Livestrong bracelet and told him to find something to live strong for. Garett said it stuck with him ever since and now we both wear the bracelet.

My mom made Andersen a blanket out of my late grandpa's flannel shirts. It was so awesome! Now Anders has a little bit of his great-grandpa to hold on to. It is such an amazing idea. Hmmmm.....I will have to do something similar to this....stayed posted : )

Anders LOVES his blanket!

We love this game! It's called Dominion and it rocks!
It was a great Christmas. Andersen was so fun. I am so thankful for our little family. I love my boys and I love being a mom and wife.

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