Saturday, January 26, 2013


Yesterday we had an awesome ward activity. We went up to Sundance for night skiing! It was so fun. We got Katrina (Garett's sister) to watch Anders and we packed up our boards for the first time since we've been married! I started snowboarding when Garett and I first met. Then we got married and then I got pregnant so I couldn't tear it up last winter : ) So I was a bit nervous yesterday just because it had been so long since I've gone. But thank goodness it was like riding a bike and it all came back! I only biffed it a couple times. Of course Garett looked like a pro out there; the lucky guy grew up on a ski resort.

It was fun to get to know people in our ward better. Our Bishop is an avid skier so it was fun to see him out there too. The ward also rented a room in the lodge so we could come in and warm up and eat chili and pizza. It was a fun night but I was excited to get home and see the little man again!

On the lift with our friends the Kirbys

I sure love this guy!

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