Wednesday, March 13, 2013

{garett's birthday}

Garett turned 22 this year! He's getting so old ; ) Since I've been such a slacker in the breakfast making department as of late I decided to make him a delicious big breakfast! I ran to the store and got some fixings and came home and went to work. I made loaded scrambled eggs and bacon. Haha Garett ate about 6 or 7 eggs and about half of the package of bacon! Oh and a few glasses of chocolate milk! Needless to say he was uncomfortably full afterwords.

After Garett headed off to school I got really busy! I was throwing a surprise birthday party for him later that night! My list of things to do to prepare: clean our seriously messy house, make a sweet Iron Man cake, wrap his presents, prepare the other snacks, decorate the house and as always, keep Andersen from causing mischief! Yeah, I was biting off more than I could chew.

It took me 2 hours to thoroughly clean the house (I had to get it really clean not only for the party but because I was showing the apartment to some girls who want to buy it). Then I got started on the cake. That took way longer than I expected....about 4 hours! But I think it turned out ok....whenever I have a project I want to do I have an image in my head of what it will look like and unless the finished product resembles that image in my head I will keep working until it does! I'm a recovering perfectionist but I do relapse at times. That was a hard lesson for me to learn...that things can't always be perfect.

Anyway the cake was no where near my mental image but I had no time or energy to fix that. Here was my inspiration from Pinterest. Oh by the way, I decided to throw Garett a surprise IRON MAN birthday party, hence the Iron Man cake.

Pretty cool right?! So I have never made or used fondant. But I thought it couldn't be too hard....haha. I decided to go with a marshmallow fondant that I again found on Pinterest. Click here for the tutorial. From what I hear marshmallow fondant is way easier to work with, is a lot cheaper and tastes way better than original fondant. It is only 3 ingredients: marshmallows, water and powdered sugar. Simple. One thing; it is super super sticky. So when she says lather on the Crisco (on your hands and countertop) do it then add some more!

For the innards of the cake I did 2 layers of red velvet and in the middle a layer of yellow cake. Iron Man colors. Here's my creation.

Yeah I wasn't ambitious enough to construct an Iron Man out of fondant so I bought action toys for Anders to play with too!

Around 6:45pm friends started to arrive. I went and picked Garett up from school; he thought we were going out to dinner. But when I picked him up I told him that Katrina (Garett's sister who was "babysitting" Anders) said that Anders was getting sick and that we had to run back to the apartment and make sure he was ok. Garett bought my story and he was totally surprised to see a house full of people!

It was a fun party. Our friends the Kirby brought over their Nintendo 64 and we played Mario Kart and Mario Party! Finally we sang to the birthday boy, he blew out his 22 candles and we ate cake!

Not going to lie the cake was delicious. The marshmallow fondant tasted way way better than another fondant I've had. I'd highly recommend it!

After everyone left we opened presents.

From Garett's sister Cheryse's family

Cute note from Cheryse's family!

The Avengers movie and Iron Man phone case from Anders

Sweet key chain from my family
Both Iron Man movies from me : )
Another birthday in the books! And who says you are ever too old to have an Iron Man birthday party?!

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