Sunday, March 3, 2013

{pillows, pillows and more pillows}

What a day! I am a pillow making fool. These past few days I have been slammed with orders; which I am grateful for. Saturday night and this is what my family room looks like! And this isn't even half of what I made. I shipped out a majority of them yesterday. Haha. Since Garett is over at a friend's house playing Halo and I am tired of sewing I figured I'd update the blog : )

This Etsy adventure has been so fun! I love creating! I have another pillow set in the works that I am really excited about. Hopefully I'll have it up by Monday : )

This week my aunt that owns the condos we manage came into town and she saw the felt flower pillow I made and told me I had to make one for her granddaughter that is still baking : ) She is due to come in a month! Her nursery color scheme is pink and grey so this is what we created! So cute if you ask me!

Tonight we had stake conference. It was really good....what I heard of it! Anders was very vocal so we had to step out. The little twit. While we were in the foyer one of our friends came out and started to entertain Anders. How does Anders thank him? Spits up all over him and all over the church's a good thing he's so stinkin' cute.

Garett and I both took a million pictures of him today. Still trying to figure out everything you can do with the camera! Good thing Anders is extremely photogenic!

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