Monday, April 15, 2013

{life update}

Wow life is crazy! But that's good. Ander's Attic has been a bigger success than I could have ever imagined! It's been a huge blessing in our lives right now. And it has been so fun! I just made this one for my giveaway winner!

Since we are moving to a new apartment upstairs in a couple weeks I had to put my shop on vacation mode! I'm so excited to move. I have so many DIY projects I want to do. My favorite one is an ottoman! Anders loves to pull himself up on our coffee table and he usually bonks his head. I think an ottoman will work perfectly for us. I have researched a few tutorials but haven't been able to find one that I really like. So I'm going to take a few elements from each one and hopefully (fingers crossed) create the ottoman that I have imagined in my head. If it turns out well I'll post what I did.

Right now Garett is in crunch time for finals. How he does in his accounting prerequisites that he is finishing up now will greatly affect whether or not he gets into the accounting program. He has A's in all of his courses right now so all he needs to do is do well on the finals. He applies for the accounting program this week. Fingers crossed that he gets in. I think he will. He wrote an amazing essay, has awesome grades and he was just appointed to be an officer in one of the accounting clubs he is in on campus. He also recently interviewed for a job in the accounting department! We should find out this week if he got it! What a stud!

I have just been enjoying life with my boys. I love being a wife and I love love being a mother. I'm not going to lie it is hard as heck sometimes but thankfully the good days greatly outweigh the bad ones.  My little guy is growing up so fast. Here's a little update:

- At his 9 month appointment he weighed 21 lbs and was 30 inches long. He is in the 95th percentile for height and 63rd percentile for weight. He's tall and lean like his father : )

- He is pulling himself to standing position and walks along things. I'll be at my bathroom counter getting ready and I'll suddenly see little fingers reaching for my makeup brush. Let the serious baby-proofing begin.

- He can say momma!!!!! This just makes me ecstatic. Me reached for me a couple days ago and said it. He now says it all the time and says it when I ask him to! Poor daddy is still trying to coax a dadda out of him.

- He has two lower teeth and has 4 upper teeth coming in! Can we say drooly?! There is drool everywhere, on everything!

- He eats table food regularly. I love this! He can eat pretty much anything we eat for dinner.

Now it's time to dump some pictures.

So hot!!!! I have the hottest husband. 

Daddy was holding his feet so he couldn't go anywhere!

He was trying to figure out how to get under the bed.

"Wake up Daddy!"

"Here, let me give you some of my brain power!"

Just eating some chicken pot stickers!

Look at those teeth!

I feel so blessed to have these 2 amazing boys in my life!

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