Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Important tips to follow when moving.

I have a love-hate relationship with moving. I love moving to a new place because I see it as a blank canvas. I have a new place to spread my creativity. I hate it because it requires transporting everything we own (which you discover when your moving, is A LOT!) to a new location. Thankfully this new location is just upstairs.

I have lots of plans for our apartment up stairs. I honestly have a Pinterest board for each room. You can check them out here. I've taken a few before pictures. We plan on repainting pretty much everything. It really needs it too. 10 years of student tenants has taken it's toll on it. And the accent walls are a very bold red....I don't do red. Haha. 

It's makes it look so dark. So as soon as we are done painting and I've done my DIY projects I'll take more pics and compile a list of the various tutorials I used. I am so excited!!!

I was really sad that I had to put Ander's Attic on vacation mode, but it is hard to sew when your packing it all up. I'll reopen in mid-May. Stay posted for pics of new products I'll be listing when I reopen!

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