Wednesday, April 22, 2015

{benefits of a fit pregnancy part 1 - getting motivated & being accountable}

***First off, I am obviously not a doctor and each pregnancy for every woman is different. If you have a high risk pregnancy you will obviously have to be careful what you do and what I talk about might not be possible for you. Everything I am writing about works for me and my doctor. So always check with your doctor before you do anything crazy. Not that anything I am about to suggest is crazy...unless it's crazy to suggest that pregnant woman can do amazing and hard fitness workouts...because we can!***

Now that I have done my disclaimer let me tell you the first thing my amazing doctor told me: Pregnancy is not a disease. Women have been popping out babies since Eve and in much less cushy circumstances. So go on doing what you are doing.

I always pictured frontier women. Milking cows, chopping wood, hauling laundry down to the river to wash on the washing board all had to be done even if they were pregnant. I bet they wish they could have had Netflix and a Lazy-Boy. We have it pretty good these days.

We pregnant women are not fragile. I think that we sometimes use pregnancy as an excuse to be lazy. (I say that only because I have done it and I'm being totally honest!) I pulled the "But I'm pregnant" card many times in my first pregnancy. I have tried to not use it as much this pregnancy. Switching my mentality from "but I'm pregnant" to a stronger, more empowering mentality of "I'm pregnant, so what?" I think has resulted in me being 12 pounds lighter this pregnancy. 

I don't think anyone would argue that there are benefits to being active during pregnancy. Here is an article on 7 benefits of a exercising during pregnancy!

I made a goal this pregnancy to do better when it came to fitness. It has been hard at times but it is so worth it!!! We don't have to feel like this...

How to "JUST DO IT" and Hold Yourself To It!

Making goals is easy. Achieving those goals is what is hard. So how do you actually achieve the fitness goals you make? Especially when your pregnant body is saying "just take a nap" and the common adage of "it's okay, you're eating for two" is basically what everyone says to you every time you sit down to eat.

1. Find your motivation and find a way to keep that motivation fore front in your mind. (This really pertains to anybody trying to achieve a goal; pregnant or not.)

Take me for example. This summer seems to be the summer of every family function known to man. We have 2 weddings, 1 family reunion and 1 family vacation. The family vacation happens to be in California where we will spend a couple days at the beach. 

My baby comes in mid-May and family functions start the end of June; the beach is happening end of July. Awesome. So my motivation is to try and be wedding photo-ready 1 month post-birth and beach-ready 2 months post-birth.

That's my motivation as shallow as it may seem. But I say hey, if your motivation is to feel comfortable in a swimsuit after birth that's 100% okay! It doesn't matter what your motivation is to stay healthy/fit during pregnancy, just find it. 

Now to keep that motivation and to remember it when temptation comes knocking is the next part. I am a visual person. I like visual reminders. So I created a Pinterest board (surprise, surprise). I named it "Back Away From the Cookie - Inspiration". Check it out here. 

On it I have pinned inspirational fitness quotes, pictures of fit women or even outfits/swim suits that I would love to see myself in this summer! 

A Pinterest board is what works for me because I have access to it everywhere I go thanks to smart phones : ) But there are so many ways you can remind yourself of your goals. Here are a few ideas:

- taping inspiring images or quotes to your mirror and/or fridge

- have your exercise clothing/gear out and ready so you see it everyday (ex: leave your running shoes on the inside of your door; they can't inspire you if they are lost in the shoe bucket in the garage!)

- always have a set of workout clothing and gear in your car

- have a "pounds down" visual (click here for a cute idea) **maybe not a great thing to do when pregnant because you aren't trying to lose weight during that time : )

- or you can get this sweet pillow and have it on your bed, couch or chair to remind you ; )

I look at my Pinterest board as my hubby drives us to the gym, or on some days, as I'm lying on the couch looking for motivation to go to the gym. I read the empowering quotes and often recite them to myself when I want to quit in the middle of a rep or when my legs are shaking in spin class. I look at the healthy, toned muscles of amazing women when I want that bag of chips so bad it consumes my mind!

Those words and images in my mind have helped me so much and remind me why I am there at the gym putting myself through torturous routines and why I can't eat 3 freezer burritos at 11:00 pm! Here are a few of the things I have pinned that help me!

2. Find a way to be accountable for your fitness choices. 

So now that you have your motivation and inspiration for yourself and a way to remind yourself of that how will you hold yourself accountable? 

One of the best ways I know how to keep myself on the straight and narrow is to find a buddy. Mine is my husband. I have other workout buddies but my husband is basically with me 24/7 so he can "monitor" me a lot haha. 

And you want someone who can be 100% honest with you! Someone that isn't afraid to slap your hand as you reach for your third cupcake. Seriously. Garett has many times talked me down from some sweet tooth craving of mine and convinced me that a green smoothie might be better. (One of the best things we ever bought is a Blendtec blender!)

Find a buddy or some system (MyFitness Pal is great) that can help hold you to your goals!

Maybe a reward system is a good way for you to stay true to your goals! Set up realistic milestones along your fitness path (ex: first 5 pounds lost or first time you are able to complete a certain amount of reps with a certain weight) and have a reward for when you reach that milestone. Reinforce that good behavior : ) But maybe try not to let it be food related. Here are some cool ideas for rewards:

- pedicure or manicure
- massage
- buy a new purse or accessory
- buy a new outfit
- buy a new workout outfit to rock your hot self at the gym with (my sister sells fun workout tank tops here)
- treat yourself to a fun experience (ex: concert, new movie, or if you are really enjoying this fitness thing, a big race!)

If you have great tips and ways to stay motivated and accountable in pursuit of fitness goals please share below! 

***Part 2 will talk more specifically about the benefits of fitness during pregnancy. Trust me the benefits are worth the hard work!*** 

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