Tuesday, April 28, 2015

{california flashback}

I was going through some files on my computer and found some pictures from our California trip last summer for 4th of July weekend! We went with our friends the Kirbys and it was so much fun! 

I was super stoked to go to the LA Fashion District. That was our first stop. I don't think anyone else was super excited about looking at fabric and I would have felt bad for them if I wasn't on cloud nine the entire time. Seriously, I was like a kid in a candy shop. 

They were all good sports for putting up with me!

We then went to the planetarium which was a lot cooler than I expected honestly. And the view was amazing!


And you can't go to California and not go to the beach! We spent 2 days on Newport Beach. It was so perfect. We thought that it was going to be uber crowded being 4th of July but it really wasn't too bad. Parking was a nightmare but once we made it to the beach we were able to set-up base right next to the water. 

I miss my tan!!!! Summer come back! And notice Garett's squinty face...I love that goof.

Not sure what his face is doing here....

And finally a normal face! Heehee.

Garett you are killing me.

Yeah. I'd live here.

Second day at the beach. Someone got a little toasted the first day. So much so that he stole my hat, wore long sleeves and built a boogie board sun shield. I got a little toasted too...on my bum...hence the spanks for swim suit bottoms. 
He's my lobster!

It was a great trip and I am excited to go back to California this summer with all my boys! My family is doing Disneyland this July with a couple days at the beach. I am so stoked!

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