Saturday, April 11, 2015

{new blog, new baby, new direction}

So this is probably the 3rd or 4th time I've re-done my blog. I love mixing things up I guess. Or as my grandma would so eloquently put it, "I'm a fart in a hot skillet". 

It's true. I tend to shake things up quite a bit. When I was young I would rearrange my room every 2 weeks. My dad would get mad because he didn't want me messing up the carpet by dragging my metal bed frame around. But it didn't stop me. That was about as rebellious as I got as a teenager. But all the rearrangements never seemed to satisfy my inner sense of feng shui and I have found that I struggle to function properly when things aren't balanced. 

After a lot of thinking and notes scribbled on my scratch pad I think I have discovered what I want this blog to be. A beautiful balance between Family, Life and my creation, Ander's Attic. 


Family is pretty darn important to me. This blog will definitely contain posts about my family life. We don't live next to all of our family. And honestly, the reason I started a blog in the first place years ago was to keep them all updated on Garett, myself and of course, the one they truly adore, Andersen. 

So part of this blog's job is to appease the grandparents and let any other family members that care know that we are still alive and kicking.

That being said, the countdown to the new Johnson baby continues to wind down. 5 weeks left! We are beyond excited/ready to meet another little boy!



Life is life. It is awesome. There is so much out there to learn about and share. My daily conversations, when Garett is in school full time, are typically about the following; potty time, nap time, the latest Jake and the Neverland Pirates episode and snacks. Riveting stuff. No, really I enjoy every minute of it, but as most stay-at-home moms can attest to I have adult thoughts too! I want to engage with people who can construct over 2 full sentences and thoughts at a time!   

There is a lot (and sometimes, a little) in and on my mind and I like to talk when it gets too full. So if I find something cool it'll likely end up on here for all y'all to see. (I'm moving to Texas next year so I have to practice the slang.)

I'll probably share a lot of things about being a mom, wife, and business owner. It's sometimes a challenge and I look for a lot of advice. My child probably watches too much TV and I probably don't cook the healthiest meals all the time. But that's real life and I probably won't get a mom of the year award no big deal.  

Ander's Attic

Lastly, I want this blog to showcase what is basically my other child, my business, Ander's Attic. I have so much fun creating and sharing what I create with other people. So you will see posts that show off what I've been doing! I'll try not to be too annoying ; )

I want to toot my horn just a bit and show you my current favorite designs!

This is what I do for a living and I love it! Just because you made it to the bottom of the post here is a coupon code for 10% your purchase: NEWBLOG

Well I think that's good for a first post in over a year. Don't want to over do it...might pull a muscle in my finger or something.       


  1. Awesome blog! And since I am one of the grandparents...I LOVE it! :)

    1. I figured you would! I have a massive Anders post coming up : )

  2. Love love love it!!! Welcome back, and I want some pillow covers!!
