Wednesday, February 27, 2013

{new camera}

My new camera came today!!! Awesome! I've probably taken a bajillion pictures just this afternoon. Here's a little sampling : ) They aren't perfect; I'm still learning!

Yes he is cross eyed here.....

Contemplating just how good life is!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

{not a very sexy valentine's day}

Valentine's Day did not go how I imagined it. Here's how it went. We went to bed around midnight the night before V-Day and I slept until 3am. I woke not able to breathe and I was coughing like crazy. Since Garett had a test Valentine's Day I took my hacking self out to the couch where I didn't sleep. I scoured the apartment for cough drops and found four. Those lasted about 2 hours. Then I tried the honey lemon thing and that worked for about 5 seconds after each sip. Then I gargled salt water that was about as effective as the honey. Finally I fell asleep around 7:30 and woke up again an hour later. Awesome. But Garett had to go to school and Anders was up.

I didn't know how I was going to survive that day. I was hardly functioning and Anders was being Anders. Thankfully, Garett came home early and brought me drugs! He tucked me in bed, took Anders and gave me much needed sleep. When I woke up a couple hours later the house was clean and there was a box of chocolates by the door! Can you say amazing husband?! I love him so much.

My plan for Valentine's Day was to decorate the house, pick up Cafe Rio and have a picnic in our living room. But obviously that didn't happen. Maybe next year!

Friday I was worse and Garett was sick too. So we packed up some clothes and drove to St. George so my parents could take care of us : ) While we were there my mom's boss, a doctor, diagnosed me with pneumonia and prescribed me some amoxicillin and cough syrup with codeine! My cough had been keeping me up for the past 3 nights. I am so grateful for modern day drugs! I started to feel better within 24 hours! My parents took Anders all 3 nights we were there so we both got full nights of sleep. One night we slept 12 hours! Glorious!

Of course while we were there we took a bunch of pictures of Anders with my mom's sweet camera. I try and capture all of Anders' finest moments with my phone's camera but it doesn't do him justice. Here are some of my favorites!

I took these following pictures! I'm practicing because guess what?! I bought a camera! I'm so excited! 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

{no it the weekend yet?}

Well I knew that this would be a great day when first thing this morning I went grocery shopping and had everything out of the cart and on the conveyor belt when I realized I forgot my blasted wallet....good thing I was way too tired to be super ticked. Last night was awful. Actually the last few nights have been awful. Anders has been sick again and so my nights are looooong. Since Garett is in school and going to be taking mid-terms here soon I don't make him wake up (because he sleeps through anything). Then last night I had this stupid tickle in my throat that makes me feel like I can't fully swallow...warning sign that I am getting sick too. Awesome. What the heck happened to my immune system?! I used to never get sick now I'm sick all the time! Maybe it has something to do with Anders' coughing directly on my eyeball or into my mouth everyday....hmmm not sure.

Thank goodness he's happy today!
So with that great start to the day I literally have no motivation to do anything and I am dead tired. I am sitting here on my couch, just pressed play for the 3rd time for Baby Einstein for Anders, and am blogging my less than lucid thoughts. Here's what's on my mind....

Remember that family room makeover I announced I was doing awhile ago? Well that is no longer happening. Why? We are moving.....upstairs! Hallelujah. I've seriously entertained the thought of harming my upstairs neighbors. They are up at all hours, no joke, all hours, everyday. Their common area is situated directly above our master bedroom and Anders' room. So you can see why their stomping around at all hours is annoying. Garett has gone up there multiple times. Apparently they love to hear the sound of their enormous high heels on their wood floor at 2 in the morning. That's what they were wearing when Garett went up there. But everything we say to them goes in one ear and out the other because it happens every night. I do have something on them though. Since it is BYU housing boys aren't allowed to be over past midnight on weekdays. When Garett went up there at 2am there were boys. Tsk tsk. Next time we go up there and there are boys I am turning them in. I'm not their manager and I'm not the type of person that would normally do that but these girls are driving me up the wall!

So this move is more than welcome! We will be on the third floor with no one above us! It is also a two story apartment. All 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and the laundry room are up stairs. On the main level is the kitchen, family room, dining room and a half bath. I am so excited. The unit is beautiful. We are just planning on repainting all the trim and hopefully the red walls....the accent walls are painted red. I am not a huge fan of red. I really want to paint them a slate grey. I'll have to clear it with my aunt first : )

Also on my mind is my awesome hubby! Every wife should publicly brag about their husbands. It keeps the marriage strong. I love Garett. He is literally my best friend. He is my eternal companion. Knowing that he and I will be together forever (Anders too : ) ) makes even the most crappy days, like today, an wonderful day. I am completely 100% me when I'm with him. And the 100% is not always pretty. Like right old soccer sweats and over sized soccer shirt are lookin so hot. Right now he's at school. Most days he's there all day. But he's working hard to get into the accounting program at BYU so I will try to be understanding ; ) BYU's accounting program is number one or two (I'm not sure) in the nation! He's finishing up the prerequisites this semester and applying for the program in May. Since he's pretty much 4.0ed all his prerequisites I know he'll get in!

Well Valentine's day is around the corner! I told Garett I'm in charge of dinner this year. Plus he's at school all day Thursday and has a test so he didn't need that extra stress. I've got fun plans! But I can't tell you because Garett reads this. Sorry honey it's a surprise!

So a little blast from the past, this was me last Valentine's Day! I was 5 months pregnant. Crazy, it seems so long ago. Ahhhh I am a mommy! That is crazy. It has been such a fun journey. I am learning so much!

I am out out of thoughts right now....I just put the little man in bed and I'm thinking I need a nap too. It is seriously taking all of the focus I can muster to wrap this up. Hopefully I can get some motivation to do something productive today. Fingers crossed.

Monday, February 11, 2013

{sickness strikes....again}

Anders spent the whole month of December being sick with various things. We thought it was finally over but no, this weekend he was sick again! We have been really good about not taking him places and we wash our hands after everything. But last weekend we had a family reunion to go to.....and since a large chunk of the family was sick this weekend that's probably where little man got sick. : ( But Garett gave him a priesthood blessing and he has been getting better quickly! Thank goodness for the priesthood! Today little man is so much better than yesterday.

So it has been a long few days but we have still managed to have some fun!

He is rolling around in his toy box! We got it from IKEA for $6. It has wheels on the bottom so we can send Anders rolling down the hall!

Since little man is teething hard core right now we made him some banana 
popsicles! They are even rocket shaped....we may or may not have gotten them
as a wedding present... : )

Don't mind the tornado of clothes in the was laundry day.

I came out of the bedroom one day and Garett had Anders in the laundry basket. He loved it! I don't know why we buy him toys....

Sunday, February 10, 2013

{more pillows}

I've always wanted to make a felt flower pillow! Last night when Anders was in bed and Garett was doing homework I turned on Despicable Me (one of my favorites) and finally made one. I think it turned out pretty good! I paired the flower pillow with a print that I love. Check them out below! They are for sale at my Etsy shop, Anders' Attic.

I paired them with some chevron pillows I had already made which are also for sale at my Etsy shop. 

Friday, February 8, 2013

{diy laundry detergent}

I found this tutorial on Pinterest and I love it! It seriously makes a lot for only about $20. For the tutorial click here. "How Does She?" is an awesome blog!

I omitted the fabric softening crystals because Wal-Mart didn't have them...weird. But I had a Costco sized tub of softener to finish up anyway. Maybe if I find the crystals I'll mix them in one day... 

So I made this back in December and this is all I have used so far and I do an average of 4 loads/week. Each load only takes 2 tablespoons. I think it works great. Oh yeah this isn't all of my supply! I still have three containers worth of this stuff! It is awesome. I also kept the ends of the Fels-Naptha bars that I couldn't grate down any more and pre-treat stains with them.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

{eggs, bacon & teeth...well tooth}

Anders got his first tooth! It made it's appearance Sunday....oh that was a fun, fun morning. Thank goodness for children's Tylenol and Orajel. I loaded him up with Tylenol before church and he was great! He actually was hilarious. During church he was talking non-stop. We had to stick our finger in his mouth to shush him....then he bit us. We also tried Cheerios for the first time Sunday. He's not totally convinced that they are all that. I have a video but it's on Garett's phone and he's at school, so I'll add it when he gets back. Garett is actually taking his first big accounting class exam...eek...good luck honey!

I also wanted to share a recipe with you that I love love love. All you need is eggs, cheese, crescent rolls and bacon! BACON! Who does't love bacon?! 

1. Pre-heat oven to 325 degrees and spray a muffin tin
2. Whisk eggs and add a little milk and salt and pepper. 
3. Line each muffin cup with a piece of bacon.
3. Divide the crescent roll dough in twelve pieces and line the bottom of each muffin cup with the dough.
4. Dump the egg mixture into each muffin cup and top with cheese.
5. Bake for 15 mins.

Then out pops this beauty! And they are delicious. You could double the batch and throw the extras in the fridge and re-heat for a quick breakfast. Enjoy!


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

{ander's attic}

So I have decided to jump on the crafty band wagon and start an Etsy store. I thought why not give it a shot? If I don't make much, or anything, I'm only out the $0.20 it cost me to list an item and anything I make that doesn't sell will just make my own home beautiful. It's pretty much a no-risk business venture : )  My goal this week is to list a new item everyday; so far so good. If you want to take a look at my store, Ander's Attic, click here. Below are some items I sell : )