Sunday, February 24, 2013

{not a very sexy valentine's day}

Valentine's Day did not go how I imagined it. Here's how it went. We went to bed around midnight the night before V-Day and I slept until 3am. I woke not able to breathe and I was coughing like crazy. Since Garett had a test Valentine's Day I took my hacking self out to the couch where I didn't sleep. I scoured the apartment for cough drops and found four. Those lasted about 2 hours. Then I tried the honey lemon thing and that worked for about 5 seconds after each sip. Then I gargled salt water that was about as effective as the honey. Finally I fell asleep around 7:30 and woke up again an hour later. Awesome. But Garett had to go to school and Anders was up.

I didn't know how I was going to survive that day. I was hardly functioning and Anders was being Anders. Thankfully, Garett came home early and brought me drugs! He tucked me in bed, took Anders and gave me much needed sleep. When I woke up a couple hours later the house was clean and there was a box of chocolates by the door! Can you say amazing husband?! I love him so much.

My plan for Valentine's Day was to decorate the house, pick up Cafe Rio and have a picnic in our living room. But obviously that didn't happen. Maybe next year!

Friday I was worse and Garett was sick too. So we packed up some clothes and drove to St. George so my parents could take care of us : ) While we were there my mom's boss, a doctor, diagnosed me with pneumonia and prescribed me some amoxicillin and cough syrup with codeine! My cough had been keeping me up for the past 3 nights. I am so grateful for modern day drugs! I started to feel better within 24 hours! My parents took Anders all 3 nights we were there so we both got full nights of sleep. One night we slept 12 hours! Glorious!

Of course while we were there we took a bunch of pictures of Anders with my mom's sweet camera. I try and capture all of Anders' finest moments with my phone's camera but it doesn't do him justice. Here are some of my favorites!

I took these following pictures! I'm practicing because guess what?! I bought a camera! I'm so excited! 

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