Friday, February 8, 2013

{diy laundry detergent}

I found this tutorial on Pinterest and I love it! It seriously makes a lot for only about $20. For the tutorial click here. "How Does She?" is an awesome blog!

I omitted the fabric softening crystals because Wal-Mart didn't have them...weird. But I had a Costco sized tub of softener to finish up anyway. Maybe if I find the crystals I'll mix them in one day... 

So I made this back in December and this is all I have used so far and I do an average of 4 loads/week. Each load only takes 2 tablespoons. I think it works great. Oh yeah this isn't all of my supply! I still have three containers worth of this stuff! It is awesome. I also kept the ends of the Fels-Naptha bars that I couldn't grate down any more and pre-treat stains with them.

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