Tuesday, February 12, 2013

{no motivation...is it the weekend yet?}

Well I knew that this would be a great day when first thing this morning I went grocery shopping and had everything out of the cart and on the conveyor belt when I realized I forgot my blasted wallet....good thing I was way too tired to be super ticked. Last night was awful. Actually the last few nights have been awful. Anders has been sick again and so my nights are looooong. Since Garett is in school and going to be taking mid-terms here soon I don't make him wake up (because he sleeps through anything). Then last night I had this stupid tickle in my throat that makes me feel like I can't fully swallow...warning sign that I am getting sick too. Awesome. What the heck happened to my immune system?! I used to never get sick now I'm sick all the time! Maybe it has something to do with Anders' coughing directly on my eyeball or into my mouth everyday....hmmm not sure.

Thank goodness he's happy today!
So with that great start to the day I literally have no motivation to do anything and I am dead tired. I am sitting here on my couch, just pressed play for the 3rd time for Baby Einstein for Anders, and am blogging my less than lucid thoughts. Here's what's on my mind....

Remember that family room makeover I announced I was doing awhile ago? Well that is no longer happening. Why? We are moving.....upstairs! Hallelujah. I've seriously entertained the thought of harming my upstairs neighbors. They are up at all hours, no joke, all hours, everyday. Their common area is situated directly above our master bedroom and Anders' room. So you can see why their stomping around at all hours is annoying. Garett has gone up there multiple times. Apparently they love to hear the sound of their enormous high heels on their wood floor at 2 in the morning. That's what they were wearing when Garett went up there. But everything we say to them goes in one ear and out the other because it happens every night. I do have something on them though. Since it is BYU housing boys aren't allowed to be over past midnight on weekdays. When Garett went up there at 2am there were boys. Tsk tsk. Next time we go up there and there are boys I am turning them in. I'm not their manager and I'm not the type of person that would normally do that but these girls are driving me up the wall!

So this move is more than welcome! We will be on the third floor with no one above us! It is also a two story apartment. All 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and the laundry room are up stairs. On the main level is the kitchen, family room, dining room and a half bath. I am so excited. The unit is beautiful. We are just planning on repainting all the trim and hopefully the red walls....the accent walls are painted red. I am not a huge fan of red. I really want to paint them a slate grey. I'll have to clear it with my aunt first : )

Also on my mind is my awesome hubby! Every wife should publicly brag about their husbands. It keeps the marriage strong. I love Garett. He is literally my best friend. He is my eternal companion. Knowing that he and I will be together forever (Anders too : ) ) makes even the most crappy days, like today, an wonderful day. I am completely 100% me when I'm with him. And the 100% is not always pretty. Like right now.....my old soccer sweats and over sized soccer shirt are lookin so hot. Right now he's at school. Most days he's there all day. But he's working hard to get into the accounting program at BYU so I will try to be understanding ; ) BYU's accounting program is number one or two (I'm not sure) in the nation! He's finishing up the prerequisites this semester and applying for the program in May. Since he's pretty much 4.0ed all his prerequisites I know he'll get in!

Well Valentine's day is around the corner! I told Garett I'm in charge of dinner this year. Plus he's at school all day Thursday and has a test so he didn't need that extra stress. I've got fun plans! But I can't tell you because Garett reads this. Sorry honey it's a surprise!

So a little blast from the past, this was me last Valentine's Day! I was 5 months pregnant. Crazy, it seems so long ago. Ahhhh I am a mommy! That is crazy. It has been such a fun journey. I am learning so much!

I am out out of thoughts right now....I just put the little man in bed and I'm thinking I need a nap too. It is seriously taking all of the focus I can muster to wrap this up. Hopefully I can get some motivation to do something productive today. Fingers crossed.

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