Monday, February 11, 2013

{sickness strikes....again}

Anders spent the whole month of December being sick with various things. We thought it was finally over but no, this weekend he was sick again! We have been really good about not taking him places and we wash our hands after everything. But last weekend we had a family reunion to go to.....and since a large chunk of the family was sick this weekend that's probably where little man got sick. : ( But Garett gave him a priesthood blessing and he has been getting better quickly! Thank goodness for the priesthood! Today little man is so much better than yesterday.

So it has been a long few days but we have still managed to have some fun!

He is rolling around in his toy box! We got it from IKEA for $6. It has wheels on the bottom so we can send Anders rolling down the hall!

Since little man is teething hard core right now we made him some banana 
popsicles! They are even rocket shaped....we may or may not have gotten them
as a wedding present... : )

Don't mind the tornado of clothes in the was laundry day.

I came out of the bedroom one day and Garett had Anders in the laundry basket. He loved it! I don't know why we buy him toys....

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